Please make sure that all the information you write in your application is correct, and that you are in fact available the days you have chosen. The applications will be approved in batches. When your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email that you have been accepted as part of the Crew.
Approximately 5-6 weeks prior to the festival you will be assigned to a team, and you will then receive your work schedule, get in-time, meeting point and Team Leader. You have to confirm all your shifts by email. Failure to do so may result in you being removed from the Crew, so please pay close attention to confirmation deadlines. Always reply when asked to do so.
Some teams will be completed early, some later. Please note that application approval and work shifts may follow each other shortly. A waiting list will be opened if your application is received after the teams have been completed. If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Crew Manager by email. Important info for volunteers will be announced closer to the festival.
We look forward to hear from you!
See list of volunteer jobs
Making sure that our venue access points are secure is one of the most important jobs at the festival. You will be checking wristbands at all the entrances and exits, and volunteering for this team allows you to see many different places inside the venue. You should be attentive, responsible, not easily offended and obviously not colorblind. It is very important that you’re able to take orders and follow protocol. Working days: Thursday – Sunday.
We need a handful of volunteers to help prepare the venue with the appropriate set-ups for our vendors, art exhibitors and tattoo artists. This job involves lifting and carrying fences, tables, and other furniture, so you should be prepared to do some physical work while being able to maintain a positive attitude. We also need people to help with load-in and load-out daytime before the festival, after the final show and when the festival is over, so please specify which days you are available. Rig & Load has limited work hours, and you need to be available before and after the festival. Working days RIG: Wednesday and Thursday (daytime) and Sunday night (after the final show). Working days LOAD: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday before the fest (daytime), Sunday night (after the final show) and Tuesday after the fest (daytime). Please write in the comment section which days you are available.
You will work closely with the Stage Manager and the technical crew, help with load in/out and set up the stage layout for all the bands. It’s great if you play an instrument and/or are familiar with sound equipment and stage tech, but as long as you are able to follow instructions, can work both carefully and quickly and can push heavy flight cases, this is a great opportunity to experience the technical side of a festival. You are in close proximity to the artists so we expect you to behave professionally. Special requirements for work attire will apply. Working days: Thursday – Sunday.